Friday, June 17, 2011

The Magnification of God's Glory- 99 Balloons

My family along with our Bible study group had the massive privilege of being able to pray for a three week old baby girl last night, who was diagnosed with spinal bifida.  She was the cutest and most adorable little thing that we were literally pleading with God for her healing.  Can God heal her?  Of course, but when it comes to these situations especially with young ones...... we, as humans, have this genuine sense of love within us that desires to change God's will for, as we think, the better of the child.  We would say that it is better if this child did not have spinal bifida, so that she, the child, would have the ability to live a normal life free from any and all disorders.  Let's face it.  Our culture has created this mindset that assumes perfection to those who are born without defects.  If you are born with no defects or disorders, you have reached the pinnacle of life in general, because you are able to do whatever you please without any help; while those born with defects and disorders are considered as cast-offs with no real ability of being able to fulfill everything of what life has to offer.  No wonder our prayers are directed toward healing when it comes to these sweet little ones.  We want them to be able to live and lead normal lives without any difficulty.  

And, let me say something real quick, so that you do not misread what I am conveying here.  My heart is that we should be praying for these young ones in order that God would heal them.  It is crucially necessary.  But, we need to be asking God what He wants to accomplish through these little ones.  Really, our desires and wants should not be at the forefront of our minds when we are praying for these sweet children.  Instead, the magnification of God's glory should most definitely be invading our minds.  Will His glory be more magnified in their healing or will His glory be more magnified in their weakness?  Lord, what do you want to accomplish in their lives?  Since our thoughts reach a minuteness of finite thinking over against the magnitude of God's infinite mind, which is completely inconceivable from our perspective, we need to ask God what is best for the child.  He knows what is best.  How is God's glory going to reach its maximum?  It will either be through her healing or through her suffering.  And, we need to accept the reality of God's answer no matter what the outcome is.  It may not be easy, but God will be with us to the end.

In relation to this post, I came across this video a couple years ago and every time I watch it I begin to tear up.  God chose to glorify Himself through this little one in his suffering and he is resting safely in the arms of Jesus.  No more pain, no more suffering..... joy everlasting.  Enjoy with caution because it will make you cry.  



Erin Taylor @ A Picture Is Worth said...

I think you are so right and I completely understand what you are saying. I find myself thinking the same thing often.
The video was one of the sweetest videos I have ever seen. I did cry through it and I though that the way they celebrated every day was one of the sweetest parts.
Thank you for posting it. It made me see the life, illness, and death in a different way.

In Christ,

susanwalkergirl said...

Amen Joshua! God is good all the time. In our time of joy, in sorrow and even ordinary days may Christ be glorified.

Debbiehere said...

Well Josh, you were right! That video did bring tears - sadness for the family - joy for Elliott.

When praying for my own healing (or anyone's) I pray for the desires of my heart... For healing here, but if not, that God be glorified through my weakness.

I've been told I've inspired & encouraged others by the daily pain I endure. I quickly take tha spotlight off of me & shine it on Jesus; for it's only through His strength that I do endure & know, like Elliott, that one day I will be eternally healed!

Love you!

Unknown said...

Joshua-First off, thank you for your comment and encouragement on my blog! And what you said makes total sense! I will have to check out that post when I have a minute. :)
Second-I totally hear you here. I also second you about the praying for them-oh so much! Also, it is truly amazing how God works through disabled kids to reach the world. You know the parable about the kids and Jesus-we all do, but there is something so significant in that the innocence in that story is protrayed through the heart of alot of disabled kids...they have heart of children for much longer than we do...and many love unconditionally and are SO full of joy. I call my little sister my angel/sunshine. She truly is...our precious little bundle. She's been through some rough things but no matter what 99% of the time she has a smile on her face. It is so unique seeing how God works through them for His glory!

I will also be praying for the little one you mentioned. May God's will be done! Healing, or not--He can use this little girl for His greater purpose and glory. Ah, what an amazing God we serve!

In Christ,

Joshua said...

No problem. It was my pleasure to post it. I felt the same exact way when I first saw it and I continue to feel that when I see it continuously. Great video of a young ones life that was used for the glory of God. Thanks for the comment. :)

Amen. He is no matter what we end up going through. He will always be the same. :)

Aunt Debbie,
We are in the same boat. I have been told the same exact thing about my speech. Some people have wondered how I can cope with it on a daily basis. The only thing I can say is that God has given me the strength to persevere through it. Just like you. I have been praying for ya Aunt Debbie and I hope the migraines are lessening. You are always in my prayers and God will be with you through all of it. I love you too. May God be glorified in our weaknesses until He sees otherwise. :)

It is more than a privilege and an honor to be able to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. With all that Jesus has done for me, I don't deserve encouraging anybody in the least bit way. But, He has set me free, so I can go out and be faithful for Him. May God be glorified through it all. :)

Jessica said...

What perfect timing. I just got back from serving at a camp for special needs kids. Last year I took care of a young lady with a disability along the same lines of spina bifida (she also had DD). Your post was an interesting one to read. I must think on it some more. ;)

Israel Sanchez said...

Joshua, it certainly is glad to see you blogging more frequently. I agree with both of your points. We should pray and ask God to heal, because He commands us to pray and because He can heal.

At the same time, we need to accept whatever God decides. In the end, we are made for His glory and we know and believe that all things are under His sovereignty.

Amy said...

Wonderful.....absolutally brilliant!

Mike and Netty said...

Precious post. Thank you. We only see and know in part. Unfortunately,so many look for what God can do for us...He did it; He gave His only begotten Son.

Fellow pilgrim in Christ, Netty