Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Concert Recap/Game

Where do I start?  First, the concert was a blast.  The Gibson Amphitheater was rockin' last night.  I don't think I have ever been to a concert before where the audience was greatly impacted by the songs and the events that took place.  It was truly a remarkable experience.  The presence of God's Spirit was heavily felt within the audience and the Spirit was passionately exuding out of many people in the Gibson.  I am telling you..... THE WORSHIP WAS AWESOME!!!!  I was even trying to start a "Jesus" chant in the theater.  But, it never fully continued through the rest of the audience.  If any of you know me personally, you know I am a very passionate person.  When it comes to baseball or basketball or some other sport, I am usually screaming at the top of my lungs during the game.  I scream, I yell, I cheer, I am literally in the game even though I am not playing.  The same is with concerts and any other loud special event.  And, to put the cherry on top, I was screaming, yelling, and being overly passionate about worshiping our God last night, which made the night even more special.  So, I was cheering and screaming for the first couple of songs, but as I was singing midway through the second song..... I lost my voice.  This has happened before at other inopportune times at ballgames and what not.  However, once it happened, I was like "oh no".

Then, I prayed when lifting my hands for God to give my voice back to me.  And, how He promptly answered my prayer!  I was able to yell, scream, and cheer the whole night worshiping this amazing God, Who gave me my voice back so I could worship Him.  It was miraculous in some sense because I was not expecting it.  But, God gave me my voice back, so I could worship Him even louder with more passion.  And, that is what I did.  Thank you Jesus!!!!!  You alone are worthy of our praise and worship.  May You continue to be worshiped and adored throughout all the ages. 

Now, since I borrowed a game from some other person, we are going to play a game.  I saw this game on another person's blog and thought it would work in this particular situation.  This game will be called:  How Well Do You Know Chris Tomlin's Songs?  I will give you a few lyrics of about 15 Chris Tomlin songs and you tell me the title of the song of each set of lyrics.  The person with the most correct wins.  And, the person who wins will win a $10 I-tunes gift card.  If you don't have an I-tunes account, we will work out a different prize.  Otherwise, are you all ready?  Here we go:

1) Into the darkness you shine/ Out of the ashes we rise/ There's no one like you.... (starting out easy :)

2) You are my rock/ The one I hold onto/ You are my song/ And I sing for You....

3) The splendor of the King/ Clothed in majesty/ Let all the earth rejoice....  

4) There is an endless song/ Echoes in my soul/ I hear the music ring....

5) Let the glory of Your name be the passion of the Church/ Let the righteousness of God be a Holy flame that burns...

6) Holy is His name/ His name/ Exalted/ He is exalted....

7) Great is Your faithfulness/ You never change/ You never fail o God.

8) Give thanks to the Lord/ Our God and King/ His love endures forever....

9) My chains are gone/ I've been set free/ My God my Savior has ransomed me....

10) This dry and desert land/ I tell myself keep walking on....

11)  And I hear the voice of many angels sing/ Worthy is the Lamb/ And I hear the cry of every longing heart/ Worthy is the Lamb. 

12) I open my mouth and you speak for me/ You move the mountains and roll back the sea/ And I will not be afraid/ I will never be ashamed.....

13) O Great God, be glorified/ Our lives laid down, yours magnified/ O Great God, be lifted high/ there is none like you.....

14) Where you go, I'll go/ Where you stay, I'll stay/ When you move, I'll move.....

15) He became sin/ Who knew no sin/ That we might become His righteousness/ He humbled Himself and carried the cross.... 

Have fun and play away.....         

Sola Deo Gloria!!!! 


Dakota said...

If Our God is For us


How Great is our God

How Can I Keep from Singing


He is Exalted



Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)


I Will Rise



I Will Follow

Jesus Messiah

Kyla Denae said...

Haha, Imma totally play this...and probably lose epically...

Man, some of these, I can sing, but I don't know the names...

1) Our God Is Greater

3) How Great Is Our God

7) Unchanging?

8) Forever

9) Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

11) Worthy Is the Lamb

13) Uncreated One

14) I Will Follow

15) Jesus Messiah

Marissa said...

That's such a cool story, Joshua! Our God is SOOO good!

Anonymous said...

You know, that's the answer I always get from people who've been to a Chris Tomlin concert. Glad you had such a good time! :)

Sam said...

how very very cool! I love your post and your enthusiasm for God

Mark said...

Wow, that sounds like you had a great time Josh! I love worshiping God in massive amphitheaters, such as you got to. A taste of heaven maybe?

Too bad the whole crowd didn't catch onto your chant. No I don't know you personally, but even I could tell you are a passionate person just by reading your blog! It kinda stands out. ;)

Finally, that's cool how Yahweh gave you your voice back. Little prayers like that can do a world for one's faith and experience of God.

Mark Zellner said...

One more thing, sorry but I don't think I know enough Tomlin songs to win this one!

Jessica said...

1. Our God
2. Sing, Sing, Sing
3. How Great is Our God
8. His Love Endures Forever
9. Amazing Grace
11. Worthy is the Lamb
14. I will Follow You
15. Jesus Messiah

Strangely, I could recall ALL of the lyrics and had to do so just to get the titles of the songs by singing through the entire song in my head. I can identify artists by ear and lyrics just fine but titles? Forget it! Ahh well, it was fun!

And just think, if your sister played, you could totally save on shipping!! =D