Destroy Sin
Killing sin should be our ultimate pursuit. We should not leave any remnant of sin to remain hidden within our mortal bodies. Because, look at what our sin did to Jesus. Look at His marred form. Gaze upon it in deep reflection. He was bruised, He was crushed, He was disfigured, He was trampled upon, He was pummeled with our sin. If we truly love Him, we would make it a second by second pursuit to shove the very thought of sin from invading our minds. Well, Josh, a second by second pursuit is too difficult. It is near impossible. Was it impossible for Him, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to endure complete brutal suffering, the furious wrath of God, in being identified with our sin, becoming sin for us? No. He sacrificed everything to endure unfathomable pain and suffering caused by our sin. Our sin problem was what moved Him from a place of unapproachable glory to become our substitute, and His substitution provoked the very intricacies of destruction that was invoked by our sin problem. Therefore, demolish sin. Do not let sin gain a foothold, because Jesus Christ means more to you than temporary pleasure. Kill it!
Sola Deo Gloria!!!!!
wow, Josh! This is very good! I love how you've put so much power and emphasis in just a few words. This is so true! Thanks for posting!
This is really funny/neat that I should read this this morning..
My alarm went off at 5:30. (the reason being so that I could have some Bible time before everyone else got up) I was about to get out of bed, but that drowsy feeling came over me. I started to argue with myself. Should i get out of bed? It was so warm under the covers... I AM kind of tired.. maybe I should sleep a little bit longer.
This lasted for a few minutes before I realized, this is Satan. He doesn't want me to get out of bed to spend time with God. I then had to make the decision to either listen to God prompting me to get up, or Satan telling me to stay in bed and get some more sleep...
It is such a mandatory part of following Christ to shove away any type of sin.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
In Christ's Service,
Powerful post! Thanks for this!
Awesome post today. I especially love your description here:
"Look at His marred form. Gaze upon it in deep reflection. He was bruised, He was crushed, He was disfigured, He was trampled upon, He was pummeled with our sin. If we truly love Him, we would make it a second by second pursuit to shove the very thought of sin from invading our minds."
Love this!!!
I follow Lilac Bud Gal, and I saw her post off of your post and I thought what you posted was really good. lol. So I came over and was looking at your blog. Wow! It is so encouraging to see another young warrior for the Lord! Thanks for blogging!
Your new follower,
I just pray God is glorified with what I write and it encourages people. That is my main motto and I will continue to do it. Thanks for the comment.
No doubt it is a mandatory part, but an extremely significant part as well. It helps us in tremendous amounts of ways. Thanks for the comment. :)
Your welcome. May God be magnified. :)
Thanks. That is definitely what Jesus did and I could not be more thankful for His shed blood for me on the cross. Amazing. Thanks for the comment. :)
Thanks for stopping by. I checked out your blog as well and left a comment. Great blog by the way. I will be looking at it more often. :)
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