Did you know.................................................................... that the average cardiac output of the human heart over a 70 year lifetime is about 250,000 gallons of blood. This is not including athletic performance and does not go beyond 70 years. So, if you live longer than 70 and/or exercise, the capability of your heart producing blood nearly triples depending on how much you exercise and how much longer you live past 70.
I think I'm probably about average!
Hmm, that is really interesting.. Hey, not even interesting. That is awesome!!! These sorts of things just fascinate me! (No wonder science has always been my favorite subject...). God is just SO awesome. His power is always continually amazing me.
Thanks for sharing!!
In Christ's Service,
PS I like the new blog look. Very nice!
PPS. where did you get the 'subscribe to my blog' widget? I have one on my blog, but it has you go through some wierd process... I would like one like yours so my readers can just enter their email address and be done...
awesome. Well I'll work on the header for you if you want. Just e-mail the picture: 1haelb@sbcglobal.net
And I didn't make my header. The problem is the layout. It's to wide.
Totally amazing, and no.....I did not know that (even if I am a homeschool Mom). From my momma's heart, I also thought about the opportunity of pumping love through those little bodies God gives you to parent. Just think about that much love "flowing" through them in their lifetime!! Get to huggin'!!
You should ask my sister about the 'subscribe to my blog' widget. She was the person who added it for me. The link to her blog is this: http://rayshopejourney.blogspot.com/
Hopefully, she can help you. I would help you if I knew how to do it, but I really do not know how to do it.
In Christ,
Joshua :)
Ok, thanks!! I am checking out her blog right now. :)
In Christ's Service,
Pretty amazing. How marvelous our Creator is.
PS...like the new look of your blog.
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