Quick Question For All of You
I have a question for all of you. When you look at the life of Jesus, when you read about the life of Jesus, when you hear stories about the life of Jesus, when you believe in Him, what do you see in Him that motivates your love for Him? What do you see in Him that drives you to your knees in awe and worship?
And, in reflection of that, does your life characterize the life of Christ day in and day out?
What motivates my love for him (weak human love)is His love for me. When I look/read the life of Jesus, it shows everything that I am not, and everything I want and need to be. I see love that I don't see anywhere else, you know what I mean? When He reveals Himself to me through so many different things, that I didn't even know where possible, it's that that drives me to my knees, in awe of Him. I really feel His supernatural love, I see it. I truly do. I can feel Him whispering to me through the breeze and the trees, and no matter how corny that sounded, I love Him! Oh how I love Him! I learn now, that my life needs to be more than what it is--to be more like HIM.
My love for Jesus is strongest when I understand who I because of sin, and who He is because of his love for me. If I only realized how sinful I am and how holy He is, I would feel terror every moment of my life. Add the unfathomable love of Christ to the equasion, and what other answer can you get but an awesome, crazy love for Christ?
The problem is, I often forget this in it's purest form, so I struggle with living out Jesus to others who don't know Him.
What drives me to my knees is the riches of His love for me, in that while I was a sinner, He died for me...that He is faithful when I am faithless...that He delights in forgiving me...
...as for my life, I am living testimony of the story of redemption. I provide opportunity for others to practice forgiveness and healing daily...know what I mean, Joshua? Even at my age, I so desperately need Him.
Mrs. Regan
When I stop and think about the many attributes of the Godhead (trinity), it amazes me that one part of that three-in-one actually humbled Himself to become a mere man and yet still remain a part of God. This is what motivates me... To think that God Himself loved us so much that not only did He create us to be perfect (keeping in mind that John 1 tells us that the Word - the Lord Jesus - did the creating), but He came here to live amongst us (so that we could never say that He didn't know what we go through in this world), and then to think that He carried the guilt of the entire world on His shoulders while He suffered - when His Father turned His back on Him while He suffered the punishment for us - and as if His blood shed for us wasn't enough, He then promises that we will be CO-HEIRS with Him. Everything that is His will be ours! What a generous, humble, loving, wonderful God He is... Why would a person turn their back on such a God and say that He is cruel or that He doesn't matter??? He did SO much for us, and has given us such a gift that even our love and devotion could never repay! He deserves no less than all of us - our heart, our love, our life!!
(sorry it's long - I love talking about the Lord :)
I think what motivates me is how perfect he was/is in every way. He wasn't/isn't just loving, kind and humble.... He was/is the meaning of the words. I think it was Luke who said that if we were to record the life of Christ and all his works here on earth, the world would not be able to contain all the books and that what has been recorded are just a small number.
Just thinking about how much he loves us and how much h e has done for us moves me to tears. I couldn't fathom not believeing in him and not having anyon to turn to.
So that's what motivates me. The fact that I am an image bearer of God helps me to strive to be like him because I want to be sure that I do not portray Him in a bad light through my life.
Thanks for asking th question! It creates a wonderful oppurtunity for conversation and unity!
Appologies if there are tons of spelling errors in my comment... Typing on an iPod is not easy...
Hey Josh,
Could you post my button on your blog? It is on my blog at:http://guidemeinyourtruth.blogspot.com/
Hey Joshua!
I wanted to let you know that my blog URL has changed to: http://anotheronceintimeh.blogspot.com/
you will have to re-follow it in order for the updates to come to your dashboard.
Thank you and God bless!
I think that your question is brilliant! What really motivates my own love for him, is knowing his unfailing love for me. He has never given up on me (even when I deserve it) so I in turn will not give up on him! When I think of the amazing love of God, I see how small we really are. And that also shows me how truly mighty he is.
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